Friday, August 13

Sorting Game

Now that our 5-yr old is back in school (Kindergarten!), I'm getting lots of one-on-one time with our 2-yr old. Which is why I love these blogs that are devoted to activities you can do at home with your little kids. Some of my favorites are: The Activity Mom, Counting Coconuts, and The Crafty Crow.
Today the 2 year old discovered a pack of cupcake baking cups, so we turned it into a game. I have some foam beads that come in different shapes and colors. The first thing we did was color the bottom of the cups with all the different colors of the beads. Then I had her sort the beads by color.
After she'd finished sorting all the beads by color, I drew the shapes of the beads on the bottom of the cups and had her sort the shapes.
She had a great time... Happy sorting!

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